Have you seen Boy Boy?
If seen, please try to get it and contact me ASAP.
Email: kaishin_92@hotmail.com
Sorry that i can't leave my mobile number here.

- Shih Tzu
- Name : Boy Boy
- Male
- White, with grey ears and two grey patches on his back
- 5 years old
- Was wearing a stainless steel collar with a bell and a kitty tag
- Last seen in Kasawari, Bandar Puchong Jaya
Have you seen Boy Boy?
If seen, please try to get it and contact me ASAP.
Email: kaishin_92@hotmail.com
Sorry that i can't leave my mobile number here.
I woke up this morning and found my dog was no where in sight, my maid told me that he ran out yesterday night, means it has gone for more than 12 hours!! Its gona rain soon, i really hope he is alright. According to my maid, he ran out because my dad accidentally left tha gate opened. Why didn't my dad bother to wake me up to find for him? He is my first dog, he is very precious to me, my dad knows that, but.. My dad is not at home since this morning, i'm waiting for him to come back so that we go out together to find for my dog. It's gona rain soon, i really can't imagine how scared is he now being alone outside.. So how now? What if he doesn't come back anymore? What if he is hit by a car? What if i can't get him back again?

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