I had never felt time pass so fast before. Looking back at the ups and downs I had this year, I feel that I have grown up a lot. I still can't believe that tomorrow will be the last day of 2010. Despite of the fact that I am looking forward for a fresh start, part of me is reluctant to let 2010 to become just a memory.
In January, I got in to Methodist College Kuala Lumpur. Experienced culture shock. That was definitely not an easy month for me. However, I managed to make a lot of friends and they play a very big part in my college life.

In March, Kids Carnival. Haha. I remember I lost my voice that day and felt so grumpy. I snapped at anybody who came near me. :P Performed on the Treasure Hunt day. That was the one and only performance I got to do with the cheer team. :(
In April, nothing much happened.
In May, went to Bukit Broga and meet a bunch of new friends from Uniten. Some of those friends became my karaoke kakis. They are a bunch of crazy and fun people, haha. Had my first Edexcel Examinations.

In June, went on a family vacation to Sabah. Went karaoke with Xue Jen and Natasha.
In July, donated blood for the first time. Don't ask me whether it was painful. Anyone with half a brain should know it hurts! Got together with a someone. Got into the Student Council. :) I really want to thank the lecturer who nominated me and the people who encouraged me to go for it, I found myself and what I want to do in Student Council. And the people in Student Council are reallyyyy nice people too. I won't get to know them if I hadn't join Student Council.
In August, went to the July intake's Orientation Camp as a facilitator. Had bunch of fun with the other facilitators. I still remember the karaoke session we had on the way back! It was hilarious! Haha.. Ding dong ding dong~xP
In September, my boyfriend had to go oversea to study, so we broke up. Oh well, I believe everything happens for the best. He did not just come into my life as a boyfriend, he also inspired me in a lot of ways. I can't tell you exactly how he did it, he just did. Oh, and I had an AWESOME birthday! :P

Council threw me. Thank you guys soooo much!
In November, last month of my second semester of my course. Felt like stopping time. Had some night outs of my girl friends.
In December, attended Toastmaster Leadership Programme. Made lots of new friends and had a very memorable time with them. Wai Lok had to leave to Australia. :(
One more day, then we are in a whole new year, a new year full with promise and prospect. I will finish my A Level in MCKL and will enter university. It is a very important year for me and I wish everything will turn out well.
I wish everyone here a happy new year. May your new year full with joy and love. <3
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